Coetir Mynydd AGM

26 February 2016 @ 20:30 – 21:30
Neuadd Goffa
  • Do you use the footpath through the woods from Mynydd to Felin Fawr?
  • Are you aware that the footpath, woods and dam belong to the local community?
  • Are you interested in supporting the management of local woods and environment?
  • Do you know of Coetir Mynydd?

Have you been a member and wish to renew membership?

Coetir Mynydd is a Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee which owns and manages the woods on behalf of the community. Membership is open to all who live in the vicinity of the woods. The day to day decisions are made by a Board of Trustee Directors elected at the AGM from the members.

Since 2004 Coetir Mynydd has looked after the woods and organised a wide range of woodland and biodiversity related activities and events and we are currently planning a programme of events for 2016. During the coming year we will also be looking again at the opportunity for a community micro-hydro on the Galedffrwd. To make all of this happen we need the support of members and volunteers. The AGM is the best place to learn about future plans, meet the Board and to have your say in what happens.

Coetir Mynydd membership costs just £5 a year which goes towards routine costs such as the maintenance of public liability insurance etc.. Annual membership fee is due at the AGM. Application forms can be found on the webpage.



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