Winter Chill Yoga

17 December 2022 @ 17:30 – 20:30

Join Mary for this 3 hour session of yin and Vinyasa yoga, relaxation and pranayama.
The yoga practice will reflect the rhythms of nature.
Having spent sunny days this summer practicing sun salutations at the beach and mediating down by the river, a change is in the air.

Now summer has drawn to a close, we can take the opportunity to draw our own awareness inward and to take stock.

In Nature this is a time of abundance, but also a time to reflect on what we no longer need. Autumn is a time of letting go, releasing all that no longer serves us well, and preparing to move into the quietness of the winter.

Yin yoga consists of mostly floor based postures that are held in stillness, usually for 3 minuets or more. The practice is deep and meditative.

The Vinyasa practice flows with the breath through a fluid sequence of postures.
In the pranayama session we will look at how we can control the breath, let go of tension and move towards a place of relaxation.

Yoga nidra or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping.
It is a state in which the body is completely relaxed, and we become systematically and increasingly aware of our inner world.

Warming soup, winter teas and nibbles included.

The cost is £30 per person and spaces are limited so booking is essential.
Please pay in class, or use the link below 🙏🏻


The Memorial Hall

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