
Please note: this calendar is an aide to those wishing to book the hall and, as such, only shows those events taking place in the hall itself; it does not include village events and meetings of clubs and societies that take place in other venues, e.g. choir, gardening club or church events and services. For these, please refer to the newsletter.

On this calendar, dates and times for clubs, classes and societies will be correct for the upcoming month. Future months are correct as far as we know but liable to change, so dates will only be put on the calendar for the upcoming two to three months. Private bookings and one-off events are shown as soon as possible after booking and are correct unless the hirer amends details.

Youth Club
Jun 20 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Summer Solstice Gongbath
Jun 21 @ 04:30 – 06:30

Contact– Steph on Facebook at Pure Sound or phone 07534 118899.

First Time for Everything, Soundbath
Jun 27 @ 10:30 – 11:30

Jest nodyn i adael i chi wybod am y digwyddiad nesaf Tro Cyntaf i Bopeth, sydd yn digwydd mis yma. Byddem yn mynd draw i Ganolfan Mynydd Llandegai, Bangor, i gael cyfle ar sesiwn Gong Bath ar ddydd Mawrth, 27/6/23 am 10:30am. Dwi wedi atodi dogfen efo manylion o beth ydi ‘Sound Bath’. Croeso i chi ofyn unrhyw gwestiynau cyn ymuno. Mae’r sesiwn AM DDIM, felly cysylltwch mor fuan ag sy’n bosib archebu lle. Plîs peidiwch â chyrraedd mwy ‘na 10 munud cyn y gweithdy gychwyn, mae hyn yn rhoi amser i’r tiwtoriaid a finnau i gael popeth yn barod i’r sesiwn. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb yn y sesiwn yma cysylltwch efo fi drwy e-bostio’n ôl ar neu ffonio ar 07468 498694.



Hi Everyone,

Just a message to let you know about the next First Time for Everything event, happening this month. We will be going to Mynydd Llandegai Hall, Bangor to try out a Gong Bath session with local instructor Steph Healy, on Tuesday, 27/6/23 at 10:30am. I have attached a document with the description of what a sound bath is, please let me know if you have any questions. This is a FREE event, so contact me as soon as possible to book a place. Please don’t arrive more than 10 munities early to the session, this gives the Tutors and me time to set up and get everything ready. If you are interested in attending this session, please contact me by emailing back on or call me on 07468 498694.


Youth Club
Jun 27 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Chakradance and Sound
Jun 30 @ 16:00 – 20:30

Contact for details.

Lunar solstice cacao, dance and soundbath. Celebrating the still point as the year turns with heart connection, music, movement and sound.

Clothes Swap
Jul 1 @ 10:00 – 12:00

Jul 8 @ 19:00 – 20:15
Youth Club
Jul 11 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Earth Art
Jul 14 @ 19:00 – 20:30

Sewing Bee
Jul 21 @ 19:00 – 22:00

Ticedi yn gwerthu…peidiwch a oedi!!! Tickets are selling, don’t delay!!!
Safiwch y dyddiad – Gorffennaf 21ain, 2023 am 7.00 y.h. yn Neuadd Goffa Mynydd Llandygai

Mae’r Gyfrinach allan o’r diwedd!! Mae’n bleser croesawu Debra Drake o’r “Great British Sewing Bee” i’n Neuadd Goffa ar yr 21ain o Orffennaf 🥰!! Mae hi wedi cytuno’n garedig i gynnal Noson i sgwrsio am ei phrofiadau ar Dymor 8 o The Great British Sewing Bee ble gyrhaeddodd y Rownd Derfynol (a’i fod yn honest, hi ddylia wedi ennill … hyd yn oed os mai dyna yw fy marn i😉😉). Byddwch hefyd yn cael cyfle i weld ei chreadigaethau enwog o’r sioe a darganfod sut mae’r sioe wedi ei helpu gyda’i breuddwyd o agor ei hysgol wnïo ei hun. Digwyddiad â thocyn am £10 y pen yn unig fydd hwn sy’n cynnwys paned o de, sleisen o gacen a sgwrs! Bydd yr holl elw yn mynd i Gronfa Neuadd Goffa. Rydym yn rhagweld y bydd y tocynnau’n gwerthu’n gyflym felly bydd hyn ar sail cyntaf i’r felin. Cysylltwch â Jude Williams i gadw eich tocynnau a all hefyd gael eu talu gan Paypal ar (cofiwch drosglwyddo fel ffrindiau a theulu). Derbynnir arian I Senir, 2 Rhes Amana.


Save the date – July 21st, 2023 at 7.00 p.m. at Neuadd Goffa Mynydd Llandygai

The Secret’s out at last!! It’s a pleasure to welcome Debra Drake of “The Great British Sewing Bee” to our Neuadd Goffa on the 21st July🥰!! She has kindly agreed to host an Evening to chat about her experiences on Season 8 of The Great British Sewing Bee in which she was pipped at the post in the Final (Let’s face it, she was robbed … even if that is my opinion😉😉). You’ll also get the opportunity to see her famous creations from the show and find out how the show has helped her with her dream of opening her own sewing school. This will be a ticketed event only for £10 per person which includes a nice cup of tea, a slice of cake and a chat! All proceeds will be going to the Neuadd Goffa Fund. We anticipate that the tickets will sell fast so this will be on a first come first served basis. Please contact Jude Williams to reserve your tickets which can also be paid by Paypal on (please remember to transfer as friends and family). Cash accepted at Senir, 2 Rhes Amana

Sep 2 @ 19:00 – 20:15
Youth Club
Sep 12 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Youth Club
Sep 19 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Youth Club
Sep 26 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Equinox Chakradance
Sep 29 @ 18:30 – 23:00

Hearts Ripening, Equinox Full Moon , Cacao, Chakradance and Sound.

to book see fb page Chakradance with Roz.

Table Top Sale
Sep 30 @ 10:00 – 14:00

Neuadd Goffa, Mynydd Llandegai.
Sêl bwrdd.
Sadwrn, Medi 30ain
Archebwch eich lle am £5 y bwrdd. Drysau yn agor am 10yb I werthu (o 8yb I lenwi eich bwrdd).
Bydd lluniaeth ar gael o’r gegin, paned a cacen. Cysylltwch 🙂

Table Top Sale.
Saturday, September 30th
Book your space for £5 a table. Doors open from 10am to sell (from 8am for set-up)
Refreshments available from the kitchen, cuppa and a cake. Get in touch 🙂

Sep 30 @ 19:00 – 20:15
Youth Club
Oct 3 @ 18:00 – 20:00
Storytelling weekend
Oct 6 @ 16:00 – 21:30

Coming up soon – storytelling with Shonaleigh 6th-8th October.

At her next Tellers, Tales, Tradition weekend in North Wales and online, Shonaleigh will be sharing untold stories from her tradition about Lilith.

Who is Lilith? Some say she is a goddess, some say she is a demon, some say she is undefinable…

‘The City of Shadows and Magic’ appears as part of the ‘The Song of Lilith’ story cycle and it is huge: it contains twenty-seven doors, each with a different story behind them.

This weekend is a chance to go through as many of those doors as we can.

We will find out about Lilith’s early life, her engagement with Babylon and the rest of society at that time.

We will also hear tales of the other women, men and children that inhabit The City of Shadows and Magic.

If you have heard ‘Song of Lilith’ before this weekend will give you a much deeper understanding of that story cycle; if you haven’t heard it before this series of stories related to Lilith will make sense on their own.

Suitable for adults and 14+ only.

This will be a hybrid event: either attend in-person in Mynydd Llandygai near Bangor (we will supply lunches, teas and snacks) or virtually via Zoom.

It is also possible to just join for the Saturday evening only, when Shonaleigh will be telling The Clock of the World and other tales of Lilith.

📸 By Joshua Crisp

Storytelling Weekend
Oct 7 @ 10:00 – 22:00

Coming up soon – storytelling with Shonaleigh 6th-8th October.

At her next Tellers, Tales, Tradition weekend in North Wales and online, Shonaleigh will be sharing untold stories from her tradition about Lilith.

Who is Lilith? Some say she is a goddess, some say she is a demon, some say she is undefinable…

‘The City of Shadows and Magic’ appears as part of the ‘The Song of Lilith’ story cycle and it is huge: it contains twenty-seven doors, each with a different story behind them.

This weekend is a chance to go through as many of those doors as we can.

We will find out about Lilith’s early life, her engagement with Babylon and the rest of society at that time.

We will also hear tales of the other women, men and children that inhabit The City of Shadows and Magic.

If you have heard ‘Song of Lilith’ before this weekend will give you a much deeper understanding of that story cycle; if you haven’t heard it before this series of stories related to Lilith will make sense on their own.

Suitable for adults and 14+ only.

This will be a hybrid event: either attend in-person in Mynydd Llandygai near Bangor (we will supply lunches, teas and snacks) or virtually via Zoom.

It is also possible to just join for the Saturday evening only, when Shonaleigh will be telling The Clock of the World and other tales of Lilith.

📸 By Joshua Crisp